Privacy policy

Definition of personal information
"Personal information" means information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, address, or other description contained in the information, and that can be easily collated with other information, thereby identifying a specific individual.
Collecting personal information
This site may collect your personal information when you make an inquiry or apply for an agency service.
When collecting, we will clearly state the purpose of use and use it by lawful and fair means.
The personal information collected on this site is as follows.
(a) name
(b) address
(c) telephone number
(d) email address
(e) information that can identify a specific individual by combining the above
Use of personal information
The purpose of use of personal information received from customers on this site is as follows.
(a)for the provision and operation of our services
(b)sending request materials
(c)in order to respond to
Various inquiries, this site will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without your consent except in the following cases.
(a)when it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local public entity, or a person entrusted there to carry out the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations
(b)it is necessary for the protection of human life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
Safe management of personal information
In addition to taking reasonable, organizational, physical, human, and technical measures to manage personal information received from customers, the service provider will endeavor to prevent the risk of unauthorized intrusion, loss, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal data by appropriately handling it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations on this site.
Correction or deletion of personal information
Please inform us of corrections and deletions of personal information received from customers from the following inquiries.
Email address:
Use of cookies
We may use cookies to provide you with better services, but this does not allow us to collect personally identifiable information and does not violate your privacy.
In addition, if you do not wish to accept cookies, you can change them in your browser settings.
※Cookies are information sent from the server computer to the customer's browser and stored on the hard disk of the computer used by the customer.
About using SSL
When entering personal information, we use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology to ensure security and to prevent this information from being intercepted, obstructed or tampered with.
※SSL is a function that encrypts information to prevent eavesdropping, prevent data tampering, and send and receive information.
By using SSL, it is possible to send information more securely.
Contact information
Email address:
Changes to privacy policy
On this site, when we change the personal information we collect, change the purpose of use, or change the privacy policy, we will make it public by changing to this page.